In August 2018, the team and I spent two weeks discussing the future of SpareMusic. We designed a new website, launched a new distribution service and thought really hard about the company we wanted to be. At the same time, we were also thinking about a new logo. We went back and forth with multiple revisions and nothing really stood out. We were blocked.

We decided to go ahead with launching the new website, we made a quick logo that consisted of text and a maple leaf. We didn't look back and carried on launching new products and services.

This was until before the most recent holidays. Back in November 2019, we started thinking about the quality of our services we offer. We narrowed down a few areas we really wanted to focus on. The first being the release process - a system used by thousands of artists each month. This kick started something we want to call "Version 3.0".

Version 3.0 is all about quality. We want to make releasing music faster, make it easier to talk to us as well as provide automation for recurring tasks where it makes sense. In essence, we want everything about music distribution to be simple.

That’s where the new logo comes in.

We launched a competition on 99designs. We received well over 100 logo ideas. We shortlisted a few designs we liked and ultimately landed on a design we loved. It’s simple yet effective! Here it is…

We could explain how the logo encompasses our company vision or was the result of hours of hard work but truthfully, that would just be a lie. The logo is just simple, we like it and hope you do too!

The new logo kick starts Version 3.0. Over the coming weeks expect weekly updates surrounding new features and re-designs. We’re super excited and hope you are too!